Featured Artists Safir and Rifas

Artists Safir and Rifas present an incredible portfolio of dark and dreamlike figurative paintings. Visit their website to see more of their art.     We are sisters and artists, painters of the world as we see it—sacred and profane, ugly yet beautiful, but also full of life and death. Even though we have an […]

Featured Artist Sharon Crute

Enjoy this collection from oil painter Sharon Crute, whose portfolio reflects her lifelong fascination with horses.

Featured Artist Natalie Toplass

Artist Natalie Toplass’ portfolio shares a profound exploration of life’s cycles and unconventional beauty in nature.

Featured Artist Sharon Hernly

Featured artist and oil painter Sharon Hernly captures the spirit of the Old West and the desert landscape in her portfolio.

Featured Artist Jane Mishkind

Featured artist Jane Mishkind creates dreamlike landscape oil paintings that convey a sense of serenity and peace.

Featured Artist Valerie Morone

Oil painter Valerie Morone shares a masterful portfolio inspired by the stunning landscape of the desert Southwest.

Featured Artist Cindy Packard Richmond

Painter Cindy Packard Richmond shares a collection from her portfolio that depicts life on the open water.

Featured Artist Cheryl Kesling

Featured artist and painter Cheryl Kesling presents a portfolio of flower paintings that look real enough to touch.

Featured Artist Deborah Scott

Enjoy the incredible portfolio of figurative artist Deborah Scott, who captures a depth of human experience in each image.

Featured Artist Malathi Jayawickrama

Dramatic blooms burst forth in vibrant detail in featured artist Malathi Jayawickrama’s masterful oil paintings.

Featured Artist Debashis Rout

Featured artist and painter Debashis Rout presents a portfolio of nature-inspired paintings created in his distinctive style.

Featured Artist Brian Rothstein

Enjoy the portfolio of featured artist and oil painter Brian Rothstein, who captures moments of family love and kindness.

Featured Artist Sergey Kolodyazhniy

Ukranian artist Sergey Kolodyazhniy presents a beautifully rendered and classical portfolio of floral and still life paintings.

Featured Artist Laurie Huff

Artist Laurie Huff presents a stunning portfolio of abstract landscapes that mirror the rhythms of nature and life itself.