Featured Artist Katrina Swanson

Artist Katrina Swanson presents a collection of nostalgic oil paintings that bring memories to life.

Artist Showcase, Summer 2021

Twenty-four artists in different mediums have contributed favorite artworks to create a diverse and engaging showcase.

Featured Artist Hank Spirek

Artist Hank Spirek presents a fascinating portfolio of mixed media works that stretch the boundaries of realism.

Featured Artist Teri Rosario

Oil painter Teri Rosario captures the stunning natural beauty of the American landscape.

Featured Artist Susan McCollough

Artist Susan McCollough creates boldly colorful abstract paintings in large format.

Featured Artist Pamela Resnick

Artist Pamela Resnick expresses a great love of nature in her gentle, expressive oil paintings.

Featured Artist Petra Pinn

Artist Petra Pinn’s delightful paintings are inspired by travels, vintage décor, and a love of pattern.

Featured Artist Merrimon Kennedy

Plein air artist Merrimon Kennedy uses bold strokes and colors to create painterly landscapes of the American Southwest. Enjoy more by visiting her website.     Running an art gallery was not my career plan when I was in college. From an early age I knew I wanted to be an artist. Luckily my parents […]

Featured Artist Isabelle du Toit

Artist Isabelle du Toit presents a collection of paintings that explore biodiversity and the relationship between humans and the natural world.

Featured Artist Nathalie Frenière

Canadian artist Nathalie Frenière paints contemporary abstract landscapes that capture the immense beauty and changing nature of the sky.

Featured Artist Erin Pyles Webb

Artist Erin Pyles Webb captures the wondrous beauty of nature in watercolors and oils.

Featured Artist Nicky Shelton

Australian artist Nicky Shelton uses amazing detail in her expressive and captivating portraits of birds. See more of her art by visiting her website.     I am a painter of birds. Australian birds mainly, but not exclusively. My chosen media is oil paint, as it gives greater depth and nuance for the delicate detailing […]

Featured Artist Graeme Stevenson

Australian painter Graeme Stevenson shares an astonishing portfolio of figurative art and a story of personal transformation that guided his artist journey.

Featured Artist Ilse Taylor Hable

Artist Ilse Taylor Hable shares a collection of oil paintings that capture the beauty in everyday life.