Featured Artist Karen Bognar Khan

Artist Karen Bognar Khan explores the nature of form and composition in her portfolio of still life paintings.

Featured Artist Denise Antaya

Canadian artist Denise Antaya’s light-filled landscape paintings are reminiscent of simpler times.

Featured Artist Kathy Karas

Australian artist Kathy Karas shares a collection of contemporary paintings inspired by the beautiful and varied landscape of her home country.

Featured Artist Lara Ivanovic

Artist Lara Ivanovic captures a surprising beauty in junked cars and abandoned buildings.

Featured Artist Rose Collins

Artist Rose Collin shares a collection of colorfully expressive wildlife portraits.

Featured Artist Michael Frank Peterson

Artist Michael Frank Peterson creates layered glass paintings that draw the viewer into scenes that come to life.

Featured Artist Jack McGowan

Plein air painter Jack McGowan presents a collection of American Southwest landscapes to inspire concern for the sustainability of our environment.

Featured Artist Marilyn Simandle

Artist Marilyn Simandle conducts a romantic painting tour of Europe with picturesque views of some of the continent’s most beautiful places.

Featured Artist Dave Martsolf

Artist Dave Martsolf focuses his artistic energy into large canvases and complex images with a surrealistic style.

Featured Artist Francisco Rodriguez

Artist Francisco Rodriguez creates contemporary figurative paintings that capture moments in time.

Featured Artist Krista Lee Johnson

Artist Krista Lee Johnson captures memories and journeys through figurative and landscape paintings. 

Featured Artist Lisa Rickard

Artist Lisa Rickard uses the nude as a basis for a series of allegorical paintings.

Featured Artist Paola Luther

Paolo Luther uses strong contrast and luminous color to create vibrant paintings that spring to life.

Featured Artist Christie Mellor

Christie Mellor presents a series of figurative paintings that share dark stories, drama and mystery.