Featured Artist Kelley Batson-Howard

Featured artist and painter Kelley Batson-Howard presents a collection of colorful nature-inspired abstracts.

Featured Artist Andrea Pascual

Artist Andrea Pascual creates between expression and abstraction, taking inspiration from humanity’s fragility and nature’s beauty.

Artist Showcase, Spring 2025

Enjoy the work of this group of talented international artists, who present work in different styles and mediums.

Featured Artist Judy Ruggles

Painter Judy Ruggles’ charming portfolio combines nature and vintage items to capture treasured moments in time.

Featured Artist David Drain

Featured artist and abstract painter David Drain uses a fascinating mix of media to create spontaneous, minimalist art.

Featured Artists Safir and Rifas

Artists Safir and Rifas present an incredible portfolio of dark and dreamlike figurative paintings. Visit their website to see more of their art.     We are sisters and artists, painters of the world as we see it—sacred and profane, ugly yet beautiful, but also full of life and death. Even though we have an […]

Featured Artist Sharon Crute

Enjoy this collection from oil painter Sharon Crute, whose portfolio reflects her lifelong fascination with horses.

Featured Artist Robert Brown

Enjoy a classic collection of still lifes by featured artist and master painter Robert Brown, who creates art that tells stories.

Featured Artist Toni Silber-Delerive

Featured artist Toni Silber-Delerive presents a collection of paintings that take a a bird’s eye view approach to landscapes.

Featured Artist Natalie Toplass

Artist Natalie Toplass’ portfolio shares a profound exploration of life’s cycles and unconventional beauty in nature.

Featured Artist Stanislav Bojankov

Bulgarian artist Stanislav Bojankov shares a collection of paintings and installations created in an exciting contemporary style.

Featured Artist Agnes Gomori

Artist Agnes Gomori presents a compelling portfolio of digital figurative painting in her distinctive signature style.

Featured Artist Sharon Hernly

Featured artist and oil painter Sharon Hernly captures the spirit of the Old West and the desert landscape in her portfolio.

Featured Artist Cindy Kaufman

Featured artist Cindy Kaufman shares a collection of brilliantly colorful and fanciful paintings of flowers in the field.