Featured Artist Sharmon Davidson

Natural forms are my symbolic language—transposition, transparency and the transformation of one form into another the syntax I use in expressing these ideas. I want to share this mystery with as many people as possible.

Featured Artist Colin Goldberg

Around this time I also began to incorporate Sumi ink painting in my work, inspired by my maternal grandmother Kimiye who had been born in Japan and was an accomplished calligrapher and teacher.

Artist Showcase, Winter 2019

Artist Showcase, Winter 2019 features a variety of artists and their favorite piece of art. Included are artist quotes and links to their websites.

Featured Artist Elke Daemmrich

In this sense, I translate cultures and visual worlds. I am an artist who celebrates nature and the world as an aesthetically fragile but indestructible martyrdom.

Featured Artist Katia Bulbenko

Artist Katia Bulbenko creates intriguing mixed media assemblages using a variety of techniques that blur the line between painting and sculpture.

Featured Artist Bill Farran

I love the power of black and white. As an artist, I have to give the appearance of gray tones, while using only black and white. I also love adding color by printing more than one block.

Featured Artist Carlos Uribe

A dear friend and author has referred to my style as “Maximalist,” a term that aptly describes both my multilayered images and themes that aspire to capture more than one meaning at once.

Artist Showcase, Midsummer 2018

Twenty-two artists were invited to share their work in this midsummer Artist Showcase. Using a variety of different styles and mediums, these artists all bring their passion to the world of art. Learn more about each artist by clicking their name.     Colleen Devlin Bang Like all children on a long car ride, I […]

Featured Artist Linda Clark Johnson

Through my work I hope to share something ethereal and intriguing with viewers, and to arouse their curiosity.

Featured Artist Ken Falana

I use rich colors to evoke moods and an improvised arrangement of cut shapes to create a sense of space, depth and movement in my artwork.

Featured Artist Dale Klein

Artist Dale Klein makes collagraphs and etchings that express how the works of man are inevitably overwhelmed by the forces of nature.

Featured Artist Joani Share

Working with the chine-collé process on paper or collage on canvas, artist Joani Share portrays figures alone in the sea of humanity.

Featured Artist Bobbi Baugh

Textile artist Bobbi Baugh knows that everything has an inner story, one that isn’t visible from the exterior.

Featured Artist Joanie Landau

The digital art experience provides an outlet to be unceasingly creative, continually working and reworking pieces with the click of a mouse.