Artist Rosemary Conroy explains the details in running a highly successful open studio event every year, and cultivating collectors.
The Adult Coloring Book Phenomenon
Why are diehard fans cropping up for these trendy coloring books?
5 Ways to Organize Your Art Business (and Avoid Headaches!)
Is your art business organized? Save yourself unnecessary stress by getting organized with these 5 useful tips
Are You Selling Art in the Wrong Places?
Are you doing the same thing over and over again, when you aren’t really making many sales?
Artist FAQ: Art Reproductions Can Help Your Career
Artists can experiment by making reproductions of their artwork on a variety of materials.
From Concept to Market: One Artist’s Story
What does it take to take a product idea all the way to the mass market? This artist shares her experiences.
What’s Killing Your Art Sales?
Use that story to grab attention and use your message to let shoppers know how much they will love becoming one of your collectors.
Read This Before You Negotiate
Before you walk into any negotiation, or even a conversation about a business deal, do your research and plan ahead.
Fear of Selling & How to Overcome It
If you are fearful and uncomfortable, your unspoken fear rules your attitude, language choices, and body language.
“I’m sorry… WHAT did you sign??” Part Two
Every time a client comes to me with an artist representative agreement, I cringe.
Smart Marketing Strategy: Serve Up Your Art
As the artist, you are in a perfect position to make those recommendations on how and where your work should be displayed.
3 Art Marketing Goals that Help Sell Your Work
Very few sales are made on the first contact with a prospective buyer, unless you are selling a lower-priced or impulse item.
Artists … Exit Your Comfort Zone
Four Marketing Techniques YOU Can Use to Boost Your Web Presence
Avoid These Mistakes to Build an Effective Art Portfolio
You never know when you might have a great opportunity and need to show your best work at a moment’s notice.