A well-rounded web presence is an essential part of your art business and brand if you want to sell online.
Art Publishing: Everything has Changed, Nothing has Changed
The challenge of art publishing is to keep up with the methods of distribution to get that art from you, the artist, to the end user who acquires your creation and grows to love it.
Set Your Goals for the Lifestyle You Want
Prioritize your life over your work, and everything for your art business will fall into place. Then set goals.
Evolution of a Greeting Card Line
From first concept through end sale, here is how one entrepreneur created a line of greeting cards.
Are You Afraid of Success?
There is a lot of talk about the fear of failure, but what if you aren’t afraid to fail? What about being afraid of succeeding?
Your “Aha Moment”
The “Aha” moment. That moment of clarity. A sudden realization, a point where everything clicks. It may change your life.
Business Lessons from Your Best Friend
Beyond the outfield fence, a hill slopes steeply to the woods where he can search in the bushes to find the home run balls. They are always there if you look hard enough.
Top 10 Ways that Galleries Find Artists
Puzzled as to how to connect with galleries? It doesn’t have to be a mystery. A survey of gallery owners reveals the best ways to connect and be found.
Letter to a Young Artist
Never, ever apologize for your art or your talent. And don’t present your work as less than.
Selling to Large Retailers
I highly encourage small businesspeople to meet with a regional buyer, or even a store level buyer, if they have the latitude to place orders.
Selling to Large Retailers
Want to join the “big leagues” and get your work into chain stores? Here’s how to survive and thrive without losing your shirt.
The Truth About Art Publishing
The average life span of an image in the marketplace is much shorter than it was in the distant 20th Century.
Think Big and Take Action/Interview with Lesley Riley
What’s the secret to an artist’s success? The right mindset and a lot of hard work. Artist and author Lesley Riley gives her best advice.