How Being a Full-Time Artist Will Change Your Life

Your vision of what your life will be like earning a living as a full-time artist changes over time. One artist’s experience of how reality changed her thinking and why that made all the difference.

10 Ways to Plan a Successful Trunk Show & Boost Your Sales

Do you have a handmade wearables line? Giving a trunk show can really boost your sales. How to plan and what to do to ensure a successful trunk show.

Yoda Teaches Art Marketing

Yoda’s classic quotes are used to present concepts of art marketing – how to promote yourself and your work and build your business.

Art Website Basics – What Every Artist Should Know!

Guest blogger John Math explains art website basics for artists to make it easy to navigate, complete and informational, and capture the emails of visitors interested in the artwork.

How to Grow Your Art Business Through Referrals

How to ask for and receive business referrals; word-of-mouth referrals, written referrals and networking are discussed.

Your Creative Flow/Interview with Tory Hughes

Tory Hughes is an artist, writer, and creative coach. She talks about the creative process, how artists get stuck, how they can overcome blocks and empower themselves.

Break Free from Worry/Interview with Karol Ward

Karol Ward, nationally known speaker, psychotherapist and author of “Worried Sick” discusses how artists can be subject to chronic worry due to career and other factors. Find out how you can overcome worry and live a healthier, more stress-free life.

25 Ways Artists Can Market Their Work

A list of many ways artists and craftspeople can find exposure for their work, and increase sales. Includes marketing ideas, venues for sales and unusual ways to sell.

Helping Artists Find Balance/Interview with Max Shapey LCSW

Artists sometimes can be overwhelmed or unable to move forward with their work. This interview with Max Shapey LCSW addresses issues that can cause this problem, and different ways to cope and find balance.

Increase Business by Building Your Personal Network

Building a personal network of friends and contacts gets you started on giving and receiving business referrals. Word of mouth is a powerful way to build business. How to make contacts, follow up and give referrals, while being open to receiving them as well.

Build Your Wholesale Accounts/Exclusivity

Entrepreneurs who are wholesaling to retail stores may offer “exclusivity” to certain accounts to prevent over-saturation in a market.

Advice from a RockStar Sales Rep

Sales rockstar Meryl Hooker helps artists and entrepreneurs get focused on business strategies to help sell their products.

How a Quilter Designed a Successful Career Path

Textile artist Jean Judd discusses her career, including exhibitions, marketing and commissions, and offers insights for artists.

How to Present Your Art with Impact

This article addresses how to enhance your website content and marketing materials to present your artwork professionally.