There are dozens of theoretical ways to get your artwork in front of collectors, but I’m going to give you 4 tips you can use right now to start exposing your artwork to a wider audience of art collectors online.
Increase Your Online Art Sales
Now, we get into the fun stuff— using your portfolio to build an online presence.
Artists … Exit Your Comfort Zone
Four Marketing Techniques YOU Can Use to Boost Your Web Presence
You’re Probably Doing It Wrong
It should go without saying— having quality digital images is 100% critical for your art business.
Amazon vs. Etsy – Who Will Win?
Although it’s too early to tell which way things will fall, events are happening at a rapid pace that may affect the outcome of this upcoming rivalry.
Avoid These Mistakes That Ruin Your Online Art Sales
It’s the follow up that will make your work memorable and draw in that important customer engagement that you want.
Art Licensing Website Connects Artists and Clients
The site is not an art licensing agent, but simply a meeting place, in essence a “virtual art licensing show.”
Keys to Increasing Online Art Sales
Ideally, you want to help them develop a comfort level where they are ready to purchase. It’s about the customer experience.
What Artists Must Know About Selling Art Online
You know online art sales have gone totally mainstream when millions of people are being exposed to national advertisements that make shopping for artwork seem this appealing, easy and fun.
5 Essential Steps to Cultivate Online Art Buyers
You are not truly a visible business without a fully engaged website.
Why Virtual Galleries Could Help Shape a Different Future for Artists
Ever-advancing technologies, combined with radical changes in consumer trends and how art collections are curated, could all point the way towards an exciting digital future for creatives.
Artist Website Strategies: Are You Making this Major Mistake?
Visit almost any artist website, and you will see common mistakes that can easily be fixed. One of the biggest errors is failing to give enough information.